Imperial Officer costume questions


Sr Member
Hello there, I have a SW Fan Club Argentina member who is willing to do this costume. Won't lie you, I would like to do it too. This is why I bought the dosimeters and the stuff to construct the rank bar. I will do my own belt, since is far away easier than a Jedi utility belt.:love

BUT, I found that the current belt buckle sold by TL is not screen accurate.


But, nothing that can't be fixed with the proper tool.
Links to the real thing: OFC BELT.jpg


I am worried about the Imperial Dics, does any know if the disc is a found object? That would be the first big question. Any help?
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Well he has taken creative license with the high detail discs, but I'm inclined to believe his standard discs are SA?

I think the flash and reflection makes it difficult to determine the thickness of the top ring 100% on this picture; OFC BELT.jpg but I believe you are right about the hole and bolt, so I stand corrected on that point :)
Yup, and since this is the only photo I was able to get from that angle, can say I am 100% about it. I also noticed that nobody is doing the score lines across the body belt. If you see the photo, you will see them there, could be 4mm from the border or so, but everybody keep doing them without them. Is that cannon or nobody noticed that?:unsure
I thought the discs were found to be a belt drive pulley of off a record turntable...? :confused

The belt drive that changes the turntable RPM...uhh, I saw a pic once. :unsure
OMG, You will that will help! Thanks a lot.:$

I am planning to estimate the measurements and post them back here. I always share my finds or calculations.:cool

And I did found photographic evidence from SW The Exhibit Madrid about the shaped of the "pulley" and some information about the boots. Once I upload he photos will show them here.:love
Back when there was an RPF research thread about this, the concensus was that there were countless found items used in ANH, with the pully grooves in them, and simpler replicas (without the grooves) were machined for the subsequent films (with a few ANH leftovers still in use, no doubt).
These photos were taken last year in Madrid, Spain. I am quite sure, according this photos, about the origin of this part. The pulley stuff sound very credible to me. What do you think? :love

Belt Buckle Disc:



Cap Disc:



Links to the high resolution photos here:

I also noticed something about the boots used by the mannequin in Magic of the Myth back in Sidney and the ones used in Madrid. They are completely different. But, I will discus that later.
Excellent :) When building my imperial officer I went to great lengths to look at the seam lines and probable inner structure. I still want to tweak a few things but it was photos like the above that gave me enough information to feel happy about making the thing.

Oh yeah, that last photot of yours shows a glimpse of a feature I have never seen anyone do: self bias binding around the flaps of the cap. You can see it really clearly here:

You can't see it very well in my cap but that's what I did and it makes a huge difference to how the flaps sit.

Some more great photos of the cap, including inside:

And yes I too have noticed a lot of differences between uniforms on exhibit :) The number of rings in the cap visor, the size of the darts at the waist,.. the collar height..
Australian exhibit

I tell you, that is one tough uniform to tailor to a woman's curves if you use the same seams. There's not much hip shaping at all. It works really well though when you do make the effort ;)

Oh and while we are looking at little details.. check this out:
The pocket is stitched closed for about 10mm next to the wrap over front :) I will be hand stitching mine now that I have worn my uniform and know how it sits on me :) And I'll be adding lacing to lace the collar closed and a placket to hide the neck opening ;)
The discs are indeed old turntable pulleys but they are nearly impossible to find now.
Kenny's discs are extremely close to the real thing - the best replicas out there.
Just bouth some supplies. Once I reveived them will start to work on that belt. Probably will have to modify those ET imperial disc.
A few years ago I too had determined that the smaller size (approx. 12mm x 16mm) was more accurate. Somewhere I have a sack of red, blue, and amber switch covers.

At Home Depot or Lowe's I bought a 6 foot long aluminum bar that was the correct width but perhaps a little too thick, but for a few dollars it could make a lot of badges. I also have a sack of jewelry pin backings. I used some of the aluminum to build a jig that would help center the switch covers and space them evenly while the glue dried.

Speaking of glue, I wasn't satisfied with the methods I tried to glue the switch covers to the metal. First I tried superglue, but with only the edges of the switch covers coming into contact with the metal, it just wasn't enough surface area to make a good bond that I could trust. My second attempt was to use a silicone adhesive. I filled the back cavity of the white plastic piece (having cut off the tabs so it would be flush) with the silicone adhesive and stuck it to the metal. I'm curious to know if there's a better way.

I have no idea where all that stuff is now. I made a Commander Praji badge (one row with 4 blue, 2 amber) for myself, as I intended to make a black imperial officer costume, but other than the badge that project didn't go far.