I'm back... My MR Muppet Display

Lynn TXP 0369

Sr Member
I'm back... For those who knew me, or care...:lol
After selling 95% of my SS model and prop collection two years ago I just back into the prop collecting saddle and I will just have a small modest collection.

I have always loved the Muppet's and MR's Muppet replicas. Kermit was one of the few pieces I kept and I always wanted Animal and Gonzo to go with him, but at $300-$400 each a piece I knew I would never have them. After all these years I discovered these guys are now DIRT CHEAP and I picked up Gonzo for $100 shipped off Amazon and Animal $125 shipped off eBay and these were no brainers.





Kermit and Gonzo have no mods. Animal has new pupils, more fur added to cover the eye rims, and about 8hrs of messing with his hair to get it right.

I'll get a better flower to go on Gonzo's jacket, new repositioned pupils, and some drum sticks for Animal.
I also plan on getting a Muppet poster or two to go with the Display.

Please bring on more Muppets EFX!!!
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Awesome! I wanted the Kermit sooooooo badly when it first came out but was put on the waiting list. Never got him :(

Looks good though!
Your were gone????/

Welcome Back :)

Well, from prop collecting.... I have posted off and on in the OT forum and occasionally in the modeling forum. But these are the first props that I have gotten in my display in 2 years.

Thanks for all the comps guys!!

These guys rock and look great together, I do hope that EFX can get out their replica Muppets.
