I was watching Star Wars again to look at Stormtrooper blasters...


Master Member
... and noticed a couple of things. I know that the Hengstler counters probably fell off quite a few of the hero blasters, and MR made theirs to match what Solo and Luke and various troopers were carrying that had no counters. But while watching the first scene as Vader walks past the camera, followed by several troopers, I noticed that on the ones that DID have the Hengstler attached, I saw no coiled wires from the counter to the cylinders mounted on the magazine assembly on any of the troopers blasters. Plus, though MR left them off their trooper blaster, Solo and Luke did have the cylinder assemblies attached to theirs, though the Hengstlers were missing. I was wondering what pics of props led to the wires being seen on the trooper blasters? Were there pics at a show of filming props that had the wires, or are there any pics or shots from SW that show them on the blasters during filming? I'll probably add them to mine when I get the cylinder section made, but does anyone have pics or info about the wires on any filming props?

MR also used the least common scope. That type/model only appears on 1 or 2 blasters (It may be the same one appearing twice with and without counter).
Han and Luke's Hero firing blasters - one has an M32, the other has a M38. They switch guns several times and the cylinders are missing on a few occasions.

I've been through ANH frame by frame looking at every E-11 twice (first with VHS, repeated for DVD).
I found wires once.
Time index 07:41 - Leia with four troopers. Second from the left, the guy over her right shoulder has a gun with an M32 scope, Hengstler, cylinders and wires. I believe they are red and green like the promo blaster with the wires.
Most scenes are too far away to determine if there are wires, but I'm pretty sure the promo blaster with wires was used and maybe a couple more had them.
Thanks for the info, Lone. I was surprised at the first scene where I could clearly see the blasters in the troopers hands and saw no wires, but knew from all the RPFers that had watched every detail that they must be used somewhere. I'll have to look for the scene you mentioned and see if I can see the wires. I'm doing an "idealized" version with my MR blaster and putting the wires coming from the Hengstler with the attachment points possibly to the back of the flat plate with the cylinders where the smaller cylinder ends are, since I haven't seen any clear pics of where they really go on it.
Hey Chris,I just picked up a 1943 M38 scope for my demilled sterling.Do you have a picture of the blaster with this scope and counter.Also my scope came with the orginal mount,are the screws that hold the scope to the mount the correct ones to use to mount the scope to the rail.Thanks for any info you can give me.
heres a cap of the blaster lonepigeon mentions above if it helps

There was a huge debate about that rectangle several years ago. Some of them have one on the front and back of the scope. The fact is no one knows, but several people guessed that the scopes my be resin and those might be pour sprues. I personally don't think so. I believe they are some type of greeblie.
it makes absolutly no sense that they would be pour sprues. You want your pour at the highest point or at least a section that doesnt show such as the feet of the scope. Not wide open up top causing much more finish work. I still think they may be some sort of "computer" type peice off a circut board. Until I see up close and personal pictures prooving someone would make such an error when making a mold and do it on multiple molds, I wont believe otherwise.

Besides, this scope looks real as opposed to painted black resin.


and the other gun opposite

Thanks for the pic, Defstartrooper. I'll definitely have to add wires to mine.
Thought I'd throw this up... I was looking at that greeblie on the scope and shifted the levels in Gary's screen cap to see a little more. It does indeed look like its added on there even looks like it has a little channel on the bottom of the "block". Don't really know what they were trying to do with that piece though.
