I'm looking for someone who could give me a sound FX & the RoboVoice FX w/ the tiny microphone for my armor robocop,
I wish that when I move the head, arms, legs, there is noise.
I know that it exists, but I do know the person to france.
can you help me make it a me? :confused
I pay with PayPal,
thank you contact me as soon as possible because it is urgent.
PLEASE HELPE ME!!!!!!! crycrycrycrycry:cry
thx Murphy38.
I wish that when I move the head, arms, legs, there is noise.
I know that it exists, but I do know the person to france.
can you help me make it a me? :confused
I pay with PayPal,
thank you contact me as soon as possible because it is urgent.
PLEASE HELPE ME!!!!!!! crycrycrycrycry:cry
thx Murphy38.