I saw The Flash this weekend


Sr Member
We were driving north on Highway 15 in Frederick MD Sunday and passed The Flash, who was wearing a backpack and carrying a US flag on a 8' or so pole.

No clue what he was doing, but by the time we saw him it was too late to get my camera to snap a pic. We were late meeting someone or I would have had my wife turn around for him.

Just before we got to him I saw a sheriff's deputy turning around and start heading north. Not sure if that had anything to do with Flash or not.

Anyone in Maryland or heck anywhere able to shed any light on this?
I saw Elvis once. He was driving a pink Cadillac. I was passing through Vegas and there he was on the freeway driving down like no one would recognize him. I didn't have a camera at the time though.
I saw a homeless guy we knew, named Randy, walking down the street wearing an oversized Mickey Mouse t-shirt with a belt over it, no pants, and a crown of thorns on his head.


He use to come to our church (we had a storefront street church that put on punk concerts) and dance in the back with an imaginary microphone. Once he wore women's panties over his jeans. We could always count on him to be entertaining.

I once saw a guy wearing a school girl skirt riding one of those razor scooters that were so popular eight (8) years ago.
I passed Wolverine in his street clothes, in the paper towel aisle of Cub foods once.

Back in '03, not long after the The Return of the King premiere, I used to see a gal wearing one of those hobbit cloaks, with no shoes, everywhere she went.
I regularly see guys walking around Saturday's Market with swords slung over their shoulders. I figure they're probably just on their way to an Assassin's Guild meeting.
It was a guy in costume, the typical red with cowl and gold lightning bolt trim. We were driving past at 65mph so I didn't get a really good look at him. The costume was ill fitting, very baggy and he had a maroon back pack.

I wasn't sure if Sunday was something significant to the Flash (I've not really read comics since the mid 90s) or if it was just someone out having fun.

And the only reason I question it is because it was on the side of the highway. I hang out with enough SCAdians and Renn Rats that seeing unusual clothing is the norm in my life. Hell I own more kilts than I own pants and other than working on my car I couldn't tell you the last time I wore pants.
I was at the grocery store when I heard a guy in the other aisle who sounded just like Macho Man Randy Savage. I was laughing since I was in the Slim Jim aisle at the time. I went around the corner and BAM...it WAS Macho Man Randy Savage. That really took me by surprise.

I was at the grocery store when I heard a guy in the other aisle who sounded just like Macho Man Randy Savage. I was laughing since I was in the Slim Jim aisle at the time. I went around the corner and BAM...it WAS Macho Man Randy Savage. That really took me by surprise.


Scott, PLEASE tell me you popped around the corner holding a slim jim and said "SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!" to him! :lol

That would have been comedic timing gold. :)