I, Robot: Sonny's picture. Available to print?


Master Member
You know the pic...the one Sonny draws (really quick.) with the robots under the bridge. I KNOW it's been brought up here before and I thought I could find it in the free paper props thread but after doing several RPF searches and turning up nothing and me just giving up after searching every post in the free paper props thread (granted, I gave up after page 30 :lol ) I simply can't find it. Could someone PLEASE post a link or something so that I can get print this pic to finish my I, Robot collection???
Oh, very cool. There has GOT to be a printable version out there somewhere...

I did search on that a while ago and several posts said it ended up in the Free Paper Props thread. I have not found a good way to search through a thread that long. is there a thread search feature? I downloaded the thread and tried searching that way, but got nothing.

this is the only one i have. i think i got it from the free paper props thread

awesome, i was watching it with my friends the other night.. and at that part i totally said "i gotta have that drawing"
Has anyone been able to find it? I looked at the whole thread and unless I missed it came up wit nuthin.
Originally posted by OPPI@Apr 13 2006, 07:00 AM
this is the only one i have.  i think i got it from the free paper props thread


That's the one that I was working on... Unfortunately the source wasn't very large and the perspective was off as well as the lighting very poor. After fixing the perspective and exposure it looses some detail. Here's a larger version.

Someone was working on the frontside for me. If he want's to chime in... ;)
