I need help matching the colors on Darth Sidious saber model

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hello all, I need some help matching the correct colors on my Darth Sidious saber and I was hoping that some of you might be able to lend and hand.

I am trying to replicate the color sceme of the prop shown in the recent Singapore exhibit,

[http://www.hooverae.com/upload/pics/sidious emitter1.jpg]

and I am having difficulty matching the colors to any available hobby spray paint.

What would you suggest using for the silver and dark bronze on the main handle
as well as the two tone gold near the emmiter?

Any help is apreciated.
Thanks alot

Dan Stokes
I used normal silver spray paint on mine, looks pretty good. For the black I actually used this chalkboard spray paint that looks duller when dry which is a look I liked on the saber, but I also know of a black spray paint which dries shinney, I'll try looking for the name of it later.
When you say 'Hobby spray paint' you are including acrylic auto paints?

If you can't see anything on the rack, you can get colours custom made relatively cheaply.
Yes, I am including automotive acrylics.

The dark color looks like something between dark brown and black with a metalic shimmer to it.

I was hoping that someone here could chime in and say. I have used --- paint and it looks just like that color.

Thanks guys

About the gold color, I would try with a base of silver with translucide orange (maybe mixed with translucide yellow to get the right tone) on it .