Hulk Mask Skullpt


Well-Known Member
Got started on my Hulk mask sculpt and thought I'd throw it up for giggles. It's not nearly done, but I thought I'd get some feedback.



Despite my better judgment, I'm using WED clay. It's just so much easier to work with, except for the whole keeping it damp thing.

It's about 15-20% larger than the head armature underneath, to match the coming costume.

A few things that need work...

1. Forehead dimples
2. folds around the eyes
3. maybe adding small teeth

What else? I'm open to polite C&C :p Be gentle.
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you are are off to a good start.

just a word of advice. make sure your basic shapes are there before trying to do detail.
he needs to look angry, the HULK SMASH!!

are you useing wedclay??
Thanks! I definitely need some direction here. Angry it is.

Yep, I'm using WED clay because it's what I had sitting around.

Any tips for the details around the eyes (once I get there?) and mouth?
i would find my favorite version of the hulk from comics or statues and use those pics as reference for the sculpt. reference material is key!

wrinkles and stuff is pretty easy. the main thing is forms then details. once you are happy with the over all shape of the mask then the details are pretty easy.

i use everything from wirebrushes to a single wire tool to do small detail . once you have an area of wrinkles and details done. take a soft brush that is damp with water and lightly lay down the detail areas, it kinda of smooths them down and gives it a natural look.

remember , if your forms and shapes are not right then the mask is not going to be right, no matter how well it is detailed.
I'm no sculpting expert, but he does seem to need a bit of an angrier look. He seems really docile, and the brows are giving off a sympathetic emote. Almost looks like Drax the Destroyer when he was brain damaged and had that gentle giant thing going.

So it could be that eventually you're working your way towards him looking angry, but the eyes should be slitted more and the brows furrowed down farther at an angle. Are you going for more of the intelligent Hulk or a berserker Hulk? The World War Hulk series would seem to me like the best place to grab reference from, but the newer Hulk series (Incredible Hulks) has some pretty great cartoony artwork as well, depending on what level of detail you're going for.

At any rate the work is pretty fantastic, the scale seems dead on.
Thanks to both of you.

I was trying to go for a neutral face since I was intending to wear this as a costume ... cast it in silicone and have it move with my face.

But after hearing these comments and thinking on it a bit more, I believe to be a convincing Hulk the SMASHH!!! does need to be conveyed in the face.

Thanks for the compliments. They are really appreciated.
Didn't get a lot of time to work on this today, but thought I'd show what I did. Sorry if I'm updating too much. Just really like getting c&c.


Dont mind the teeth lines. Just thought I'd do those to show what I meant to put there. I may extend the top of the mouth down over where those teeth, but I'm not sure.

It's looking like a mix of Professor Hulk and WWHulk the more I look at it.
wow great job man, I love the changes you made to his expression!
Are you going with traditional green hulk? or the Gray or even the new Red hulk?
I could see a more docile facial expression with Gray Hulk as he was much more serious.
1000% times better!!!
the changes are amazing,and the detail sooo wicked!
Cant wait to see this finished!
much better, but sculpt it with the mouth closed. so you can open the mouth while wearing the mask.
Looking good harmonic. Sadly I haven't made any serious progress on mine. Have been busy with my son and all. Trying to get finances stabilized and space available. Glad to see you're sticking with it. Hopefully ill get started again soon so I can update
Thanks everyone.

@MrBungle: MouthClosed - good point. thank you VERY much. I feel honored that someone of your talent is helping me!

@sketchman - hey comes first unfortunately. family and being solvent is the right place to have your priorities. When I first started researching and designing on this 3 years ago, people told me it could never be done...or it would take $30,000. I havent gven up and cant WAIT to see your progress too! Maybe at D*C we could fight even! Ha ha ha!
I thought a look at my ref pic might be interesting. I really like some of the more retro designs but the realism of the Alex Ross Hulk Bust really caught my eye.


I'm not trying to copy it line for line...but perhaps I should gravitate more back to the source material. Been awhile since I'd really studied it.
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