Well-Known Member
Got started on my Hulk mask sculpt and thought I'd throw it up for giggles. It's not nearly done, but I thought I'd get some feedback.
Despite my better judgment, I'm using WED clay. It's just so much easier to work with, except for the whole keeping it damp thing.
It's about 15-20% larger than the head armature underneath, to match the coming costume.
A few things that need work...
1. Forehead dimples
2. folds around the eyes
3. maybe adding small teeth
What else? I'm open to polite C&C
Be gentle.

Despite my better judgment, I'm using WED clay. It's just so much easier to work with, except for the whole keeping it damp thing.
It's about 15-20% larger than the head armature underneath, to match the coming costume.
A few things that need work...
1. Forehead dimples
2. folds around the eyes
3. maybe adding small teeth
What else? I'm open to polite C&C
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