How to slow down a sounds chip?

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hey guys. I have a question for the electronics guys. I have a sound chip in a toy that emmiters a whirr that I would like to slow down. Is this possible, and if so, how would I do it?


Dan Stokes
Can you post a picture of both sides of the circuit board,
to get a better sence of what we are looking at?
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I think the easiest way is to reduce the amount of current it receives. The correct value resistor might do the trick.
I think the easiest way is to reduce the amount of current it receives. The correct value resistor might do the trick.
Would that be enough, or is it maybe running with a timer chip? If there's a timer involved, I think (don't quote me on this) that you'll want to lower the current going to the timer rather than the sound chip.. that should slow the timer down, which will in turn slow down the sound.

That's just me theorizing.. I don't know squat about electronics compared to some others here. :)
It would depend on what kind of timer is being used. If it's a crystal type i would guess you could change the crystal to a different frequency. If it's a timer circuit then you would have to change component values to change to time interval. I'm not sure either would work though, a pic of the circuit board might help.
Hopefully Exoray will see this.

I am not an electronics guy by any means, but along the same lines as Mechamaniac is saying with resistors, but more specifically think about potentiometers which are resistors that can be dialed down.

I'd pick the white style one on the left.
