How to Make Acrylic Eyes.....

Now that is a really clever way to handle veins! I'll have to keep that little tip in mind.

Very cool vid! Thanks for sharing!
-B89! :D
Years ago I made some fake eyes that might do in a pinch, though they're nowhere the quality of those. I just took some of those stuffed animal eyes (pupil and iris only) and glued them to a silghtly modified white macrame bead of the appropriate size. No veins, but it looked pretty decent. Maybe I can dig 'em up and post a pic somewhere.

Curiosly, years ago I read an article on prosthetic eyes, and they use the "thread trick" for medical devices as well. Another thing I discovered was the white of caucasian's eyes has a slight blue tint while some "people of color's" has a more green cast.
I think that the video came from that DVD, because at the beginning says Kenstools presents....