Meet the welcoming comittee :lol Good luck!Theres's this thing called the "Internet".
It has things called a "search engine".
Plus there's a pretty good chance if you type "www.anythingintheeffinworld", you might just find it.
But since you asked.
Just a word of warning - if you're not a member of the 501st, then no-one on the public access forum will tell you where to buy helmets as it's against the rules. You're better off looking elsewhere.
Theres's this thing called the "Internet".
It has things called a "search engine".
Plus there's a pretty good chance if you type "www.anythingintheeffinworld", you might just find it.
But since you asked.
Thanks for the info everyone.
And MicDavis, if you ever find out that you and I are going to the same event or convention, please drop by to introduce yourself. You can give me some more lessons about the internet in person.
Theres's this thing called the "Internet".
It has things called a "search engine".
Plus there's a pretty good chance if you type "www.anythingintheeffinworld", you might just find it.
But since you asked.
And people accuse me of having no sense of humor.