How many dimples does the Quaffle have?

I would say 4 from the below picture as all the parts betwne the dimples are in a triangle shape.

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Are you makeing the chest for the set or did you manage to find one the correct size.
I'm making the whole thing. I have the main chest done. I'm trying to nail down the details on the quaffle before I get too far along. I was thinking 4 also. The quaffle will be the toughest part, as I have no experience with sewing, especially leather. I'm going to start a thread soon to show my progress. Thanks for your input.

Do you need to sew the leather? Due to the shape of the ball and that it seems to be quite hard in the film would it not be easier to make a hard ball and then just cover it in leather. After all quiddith ball don't need to bounce :)
I've been google image searching and all the good pics are from the same angle, but when I sketch out the reverse angle it looks like there is room for a fourth dimple and the pattern stays the same. However, if you do only 3, the pattern should also stay the same, you'd just need bigger dimples.
I'm using a globe for the Quaffle. I'm definitely using 4 dimples. That seems to be the best way for me to fit it in my case. Any taller and it will bump into the Snitch compartment. I'm going to stick the leather to the globe and then stitch it at the seams. That seams like the best way to make it look right.
