I am thinking of investing in some basic silk screen stuff. I've NEVER messed with silk screening before. I don't even know what is involved or what is needed beyond the "kits" you can buy like these:
I notice this all says it's for T-shirts and stuff. I would like to silk screen plastic - like small plaques no bigger than say 4" x 6"), ISO chips (approximately 1/8" plastic 3" x .75"), things like that. No more than two or three colors.
Anyone who does silk screening got any advice for a beginner? What set(s)/tools, etc to start with, difficulties, anything? How do you make silk screen patterns? Can I use Illustrator? How exactly does it work?
I was given this .pdf by surfergeek: http://download.yousendit.com/8A58F52016E9E525
And mtsbspidey said I could find small silk screening machines at the larger hobby stores. I couldn't find any on their on-linje catalogs, but if I could find one in a local store, does anyone think they would work for silk screening small and not-to-thick plastics?
I notice this all says it's for T-shirts and stuff. I would like to silk screen plastic - like small plaques no bigger than say 4" x 6"), ISO chips (approximately 1/8" plastic 3" x .75"), things like that. No more than two or three colors.
Anyone who does silk screening got any advice for a beginner? What set(s)/tools, etc to start with, difficulties, anything? How do you make silk screen patterns? Can I use Illustrator? How exactly does it work?
I was given this .pdf by surfergeek: http://download.yousendit.com/8A58F52016E9E525
And mtsbspidey said I could find small silk screening machines at the larger hobby stores. I couldn't find any on their on-linje catalogs, but if I could find one in a local store, does anyone think they would work for silk screening small and not-to-thick plastics?