How do you do a black & white paintjob ?

darth billy

Well-Known Member

Ive seen a few pics showing monster busts painted to look like they did in black and white movies.Im wondering how do you do that kind of a paint job ?

Any help would be really great.

I think that "using a pic as reference" is the best explanation possible...
Try to put the shadows and lights on the model in the same places of the shadows and light of the pic, so you should be able to replicate that effect... Just my 2c
Buy a "spectrum" of grey paints going from white to black, then make up a "swatch card" where you paint a little dab going from light to dark down one edge. As you go, be sure to write the name and number of each color next to it's corresponding paint sample. Then just look at B/W stills, and pick your closest match. :) (oh- try to stay away from "pure" white and black; they'll probably be too extreme.)

Somewhere around here I've got an old Aurora Dracula I started doing that to years ago... :)

I´d say choose a medium gray, cover the whole bust with it and then work out the shadowed and highlighted areas.

Thanks for the help everyone I found a light shade of grey paint that looks good.So ill just darken it little by little on the head.

Amazing Figure Modeler had an article about how to do it. Can't remember what issue it was, but it was at least 3-4 issues ago. Maybe someone who has the issue can chime in and give the specific issue.