How do I make a mask sculpt base?


New Member
Hey gang, I'm going to be working on a new sculpt soon and want to make a new base to work on. I've tried searching the forum and youtube and can't seem to find the information that I need. I need a base like uratz studios, but donot now how to make one. Could you guys tell me how?
what mike did as use wire to form a rough shaped armature and then used plaster bandages to cover it... then simply began adding clay to it.
He had a picture tutorial of it somewhere but not sure where
im looking for it in previous posts but thats defo how he did it there. I also know cause he sent me 2 of his old armatures before he made the new 1s. thats a long long time ago. Otherwise if u have a current mask, what u can do is lay cling film(cerran wrap) on the mask then use plaster bandages to take a quick rough mold of the masks shape, then just sculpt on it, it'll have the masks shape naturally and allow you to sculpt according to those guides
I made mine by draping plaster bandages over my latex pred mask. after you get a thin dried layer. remove the mask and then add more bandages and foam to strengthen the armature.
That's how I made mine. But I wouldn't do that way again aside from the fact it isn't very strong, crumbling bits of plaster contaminated the clay, when I reused it for another sculpt I was constantly picking out bits of plaster.
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