how accurate is the Newer Vader FX?


Sr Member
Like anything else, I'm always looking to build props cheap. TRU had a Luke ANH FX on display and it looked pretty dead on to me. Now, I didn't have anything there to reference but, minus the blade, the hilt looked like it could be display worthy.

Is the Vader just as accurate? Would it be possible to buy a cheap busted FX, gut it, toss a new socket in it and call it a lightsaber?
thats what I did - took out the blade, and put an MPP socket in. Only a VERY trained eye could be able to distinguish it from the LE. Size wise they are identical.
The Luke ANH is pretty cheap. There are a lot of imperfections on it. Squeaky blade, see-through plastic emitter (on some of them) and poorly molded plastic buttons (on some of them), to name a few.

The Vader ANH is more accurate. It's debatably the most correctly sized hilt of any of the MR sabers. I can't think of any big flaws right off the top of my head, others can chime in here

EDIT: Hecubus beat me to it
When I researched it, as far as I could find (I dont think I would have bothered if it wasnt the correct size) it is the same from what I can remember. Same with the ESB. I dont have LE's to make a definitve call... but like I said, I dont think I would have bothered unless I was sure of it...
The new Vader ANH was built off the same base "tube" as the Vader ESB. They're basically the same hilt, just different grips and other minor cosmetic differences.

I remember a comparison with a LE a while ago, but I can't remember what forum it was on. Long and short of it is, they are basically the same size. Maybe a fraction of an inch off lengthwise. Diameter is exactly the same.
I'll start a new thread if this question is too much of a derailment, but how different are the FX sabers to the screen used dimentions? Obviously, as already stated in this thread, the Vader ANH/ESB are pretty much identical to a correct screen sized one, and I know the Anakin EP2 is WAY larger than it should be.

How do all the other's match up?
Mace - WAY too big in all aspects
Anakin EP2 - Correct proportionally, but overall too big
Anakin EP3 - Too fat the size of a Graflex but the LE was skinnier
Obi EP3 - Too fat - ugly fat neck
Luke EP6 - Same as above
Luke EP4 - Proportionally pretty dead on, lacks some details and has plastic parts
Maul - slightly too fat

Those are the only ones I can comment on...
In no particular order...

Anakin ROTS - too fat, not sure on length
Luke ROTJ - fat neck, too big of a diameter, little too long (based off my Rylo saber)
Luke ANH - not sure, haven't seen a comparison. Probably too big though
Obi ROTS - fat neck, not sure on anything else
Yoda - Too big in basically every aspect, but it was a hard hilt to replicate
Mace AOTC and ROTS - GIGANTIC. Oversized drastically in width and length
Luke ESB - Similar to the Anakin AOTC, a little more accurate though
Maul TPM - Little bit long, width is close but not perfect

Obi TPM - Never released, but what I heard was that it was HUGE, like the Anakin AOTC

Others can fill in on what I don't know

EDIT - Hecubus beat me AGAIN
Cool. Its good to know that a decent repilca is widely available. I never seem to have the money when someone is selling their Larbel or Parks.

To answer Trid, most others seem to be over sized, especially in the neck. I'm a little curious about the Maul, though...

EDIT: Yeah, what they said.
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I found a LE vs. FX Maul comparison.

From here
I've been using a debladed Maul in place of an LE, but the more times I look at it, the more I see how "incorrect" it is. The Vaders are great though. And fun to take apart and add details to.
That is the original 6 cell Vader ANH. The new Vader ANH ('07 I think...) and the Vader ESB are the same length
Funny how they can sell a replica, full of electronics, for a third of what they sell a static hilt for. Just slap a limited edition number on it.
There are still some differences, however minor, which basically force them to do that though. On the Vader ESB the bubble strip can't ever be centered on the clamp because it's the switch. A serious collector wouldn't really like that.

Still doesn't explain that huge price difference though. On that I agree.
once you gut the saber you can pretty much change anything that is different. If you remove the switch from underneath the bubble strip, you can center and glue it however you like. My latest alteration was adding a blue wire to the one side of the ESB saber, as found to be on the screen used prop. Like I said, its a much more fun hobby when its also an ongoing project. It gives you a lot to tell people about each piece when you've done your own research and learn the history for yourself...
Thanks for the comparisons, I wondered how much the FX sabers were inaccurate, the ROTJ Luke, and the Obi Wan were a given because of the fat neck. But that is the compromise to have the FX blade. Are the MPP sockets usally available?
It gives you a lot to tell people about each piece when you've done your own research and learn the history for yourself...

People who are as into it as we are, that is. Most of the time when I start going into what is what on a prop, peoples' eyes glaze over and they just mumble, "Uh huh....neat," and change the subject. All they wanted to know was that, yes, that is a light saber, and no, it doesn't light up.

And thank you to everyone who helped compare the FXes to the LEs. That's been driving me nuts for years.