I think it would be too messy&smell bad.1/8 inch styrene is'nt used much...maybe for framing/planking?I don't score&snap styrene.It is soft enough to cut through with a good sheet rock knife,or exacto blade.Thicker styrene plastic may require a couple passes with the blade,but that's about it.For strait cuts...unless you have a "chopper"(nice tool) &the parts are small,you just need a good metal strait edge.Keep your knife blade close&lined up,and run it flush with the ruler edge.Make a couple passes if you must..it won't hurt anything.For curved,rounded shaps...I cut close,but just to the outside of my line&sand it to the line afterward with a sanding block.Draw right on the styrene,or draw on paper&make patterns...rubber cement them to your plastic.Just watch your fingers..believe me,you don't want to be cutting into your fingers,or your finger tips,you won't be building anything for a while if you do that.It just takes practice.