Hopscotch Typewriter

Stinky Dragon

Well-Known Member
Does anyone happen to know what kind of typewriter was used in Hopscotch? I'll post this in the paper prop thread too, but would anyone be able to put together a couple pictures from this movie? Specifically the one with Myerson frowning (the one Kendig's winking at in the picture) and one of the ones with Yaskov and Kendig drinking vodka. Thanks.

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Thanks! Those are great. Now I just need to take a trip to Hobby Lobby to see if I can find a frame like that.

Could you get a couple screencaps of the typewriter from different angles? When it first shows him typing near the beginning should have a couple good shots.
The bottom picture doesn't look the same as the top two.

It's not, it switches from the smile to the frown in between shots after Walter Matthau knocks over the beer bottle with the typewriter as he goes to the next line on the page.

I think I may have found the typewriter if anyone else is interested. It looks like it could be an Underwood Touch-Master 5, or possibly some other Underwood typewriter. The Touch-Master 5 was first made in the 60's. Hopscotch is set in the 70's, and the typewriter is an old one Isobel had in her house, so it seems about the right time period.

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I couldn't find any shots besides the back of the typewriter.

Near the beginning of the movie he types on a different, white typewriter.
Here's the typewriter case:

I don't know if this will help.

The Wolf
Its a Brother portable. The Underwood is way too big and doesn't have a carrying case. Here's a similar one from a completed auction:

Yeah, that particular Underwood typewriter is way too big and off on a lot of other things now that I look more closely. I don't think it's that Brother, though. If you look at the screen caps, the little arm on the part that moves the paper has a white plastic covering, but the Brother doesn't. It's kind of hard to tell from this pic, but I think this portable Olivetti has the white plastic on the arm:


It may just be the way the light's shining on the metal, though.

I found this site with all sorts of portable typewriters. It's probably in there somewhere. I've gotta get searching! http://www.geocities.com/wbd641/PortablesIndex.html

And thanks for the screencaps, The Wolf.
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I'm happy to get the screencaps for you. :thumbsup
BTW, what happened to the Hopscotch book cover screencaps I put up? :confused

The Wolf