hookah Hunt in Obi Wan's house


Well-Known Member
We see a few hookah's throughout the OT
Jabba and Dannik Jerriko in the cantina. I know that the novelization and I think one of the script iterations mentions Kenobi sucking back on a chrome hookah.

Does anyone know if the hookah is visible in Kenobi's dwelling set? Is that it, in the back corner? Just curious if anyone knows more on this?


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I honestly can't see obiwan sitting back and smoking hookah. he did send that guy packing when he tried to sell him death sticks.

then again maybe death sticks aren't cigarettes to begin with and more like a syringe...

I just can't see obiwan doing a unhealthy habit... then again he seems to like to drink?
Young people of a certain stripe can be hysterically moralistic: perhaps Obi-Wan simply discovered the pleasure of a few harmless vices in his mellow old age :D
" In the novelization of the first Star Wars movie, ghost written by Alan Dean Foster and published in December of 1976 (six months before the movie was released,) Obi-Wan smokes from his hookah while talking to Luke in chapter 5. “I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father” he says, while puffing away on his chrome water pipe. It has also been pointed out by several keen-eyed Star Wars fans that Obi-Wan’s hookah is visible in the movie, sitting in the corner of his hut on Tatooine"

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