Holy Crap! Hellboy II The Art of the Movie.


New Member
I don't know if anyone else has picked this book up yet but I just got my copy from Amazon and it's made me ridiculously excited about the movie. I actually only looked at it all through once and now I plan on leaving it closed until after I've seen the movie.

But I saw some awesome prop potential in there. Especially Wink's Trap Box, The Schufftein Glasses and Abe's video unit.

If you don't mind spoilers CHECK THIS OUT! It's amazing!
I passed on the first Hellboy movie art book, but I REALLY want to see this book, simply because the creatures in this film are so amazing.
Del toro brought a bunch of the monsters to his NY Comic-Con session. I got some pix.

Here's a quick example:
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ooooooooooooooooooh! giddy is not the word! are there any decent big baby pics floating about now or any decent shots from the back of the gun? Trying to base a full size replica on the advertising pic of the keyring is such a bad idea! :lol
I passed on the first Hellboy movie art book, but I REALLY want to see this book, simply because the creatures in this film are so amazing.

You should have been at NYCC when the lights came up after the trailer was shown and half the troll market charactors were on stage. Wild, surprising wow whooooaaaaaa kind of moment. Too too cool.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up and thanks for the pictures!

Can anybody tell me if Kroenen is featured in the book? Does he really have a cameo?

The Monster book has been cancelled. Just got that info from Jeremy Atkins, Dark Horse publicity director. Too bad.
There were no pictures of Kroenen in the book but I didn't read the script so I can't be certain. I don't see how he would fit in though. Maybe you'll see his mask or hand in the trophy hall.
Man I havent seen Either I have all the art books form Pirates Spiderman and so on but havent seen a Hellboy one yet guess I need to snag them online somewhere didnt know they existed till now :thumbsup
Picked up the book at Border's yesterday. Some great artwork and prop designs.

I really like the Schufftein glasses on page 101 ...

Also, anyone think the creature on page 71 was inspired by Pyramid Head from Silent Hill?

any scans available at all of the book, give a taster to the ones who cant afford it yet lol. Especially if there is photos of big baby! thanks again x
I just ordered both from amazon, Im told I got a special thanks inside the cover, cant wait to see if its true..:lol
