Hi Guys and Girls


New Member
Hi everyone
my names Ian aka vanpyre
i work in the hobby industry so i have a varied background but my passion is 1/1 scale in helmets and heads
Im currently building a 1/1 scale terminator t800 even though its taking a lot of time due to lack of experience and parts to make the beast up

i do a lot of custom painting so that does take a lot of my spare time up but im glad i was given your site and hope some of you out there may be able to help if not mabye guide me with bits and pieces im doing
Thanks for having me
Its ironic how too much garlic was the first to comment on vanpyre's post :D.
No but seriously welcome to the RPF
The RPF: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, you must be cautious!
caution mmmmmmmmmm help you with that we can
if you are interested in haveing a look at some paintwork and helmets i have done please feel free to check them out www.custompaint.iandcrpages.id.au is the place
now onto the things that matter hehe my t800 i have one foot one arm a head and chestplate if slowly getting there but alas in australia its hard to find anyone who has bits so im probably going to have to scratch build most of it
cheers for now and thanks for the wel;comes