heroes paintings

I know that comic artist Tim Sale has done some of the work for the show. I *think* that includes the paintings but I don't know that for a fact. You might want to check out the official heroes forum on the nbc.com/heroes web site. I imagine somebody there would know.
"I know that comic artist Tim Sale has done some of the work for the show. I *think* that includes the paintings but I don't know that for a fact"

yea...tim sale does all of isaac's art...skott
The art pieces are drawn by Sale, then colored in Photoshop and printed onto canvas.

I wish I could get my hands on some of the drawings... I could do the rest with the help of some screencaps. lol

I can't remember where I got these, and I don't know if they are much help?







Here's a good article on them: http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=91047

Aha.. I found 'em. A bunch more here: http://heroeswiki.com/Isaac's_paintings

About the highest res I have seen.
Yes, great post/links Jmtwo. Thanks.

Are any of the images high-res enough to do oversized canvas prints? The train-wreck image seems to be a pretty solid shot...
These looks quite easy to reproduce... Ink and "watercolors"... I think this is something I can do, but not now (too busy), I need a post-it on my monitor to remember this idea :)
I've heard rumors that some of the art work may show up at the New York City Comic Con this Feb. I got my tickets last year since the show was nearly sold out in 2006. The expected under 10,000 all weekend and over 16,000 showed up on saturday alone. I ink comic books and have been told that some Tim Sale art may show up at the con. Not sure how true that is as NBC may own the originals and last I heard Tim Sale was going to be at the con.
Has anyone tried Mitch Itkowitz over at www.graphiccollectibles.com? He's Tim Sale's rep. If anyone knows if the original art will be for sale, it'll be Mitch. The last time I e-mailed him, he said Tim wouldn't be selling the art from the series. Darn it.
If you bought them from Tim Sale, you'd get the black and white images. The colors are digitally painted by a colorist (Tim's colorblind).