Help identifying a jacket


Sr Member
I've been looking for a jacket like this for awhile now. I'm fairly certain it's a type of marching band jacket or navy jacket, but the style seems very ellusive. It's the kind with the..."stripes" and buttons running down the front.
Something along the lines of what these guys here are wearing here:


I've also seen a Naval Officers or Captain's uniform with the same style. I'd much prefer the naval kind, but in either case, I can't find what I'm looking for.
If anybody knows what it's called or where I can find one, I would be quite thankful. :)
That jackets are custom made for them, but you can try a search with Google for "Marching Band Jacket" or just "Band Jacket"... ;)
Yeah, all I turn up are the wrong styles. Or fancy overly expensive, extremely small furry women's versions. :(

I found this:
It's an East India Company Commander's coat from 1832. I know I've seen similar kinds in documentary shows and even in the movie "Shipwrecked".
Finding a reproduction seems nigh impossible...

I did turn up another that was... well, not exactly right. I'd have to but all the gold stripes and buttons on it myself, but that may not be too hard. I'd like to see if I could turn up one before I go that route though.
Unfortunatly I'm in the US so I'll have to wait for the webstore to open. But, thanks for the tip. I'll keep my eye on them. :)

EDIT: Hehe...Never mind, I found a place that sells them. I owe you one man, that helped out a lot, thanks.