Help Identifing Borg Greeblies


Well-Known Member
Hi all

I would like to build a Borg neural processor, and I have Identified the main body made from vintage lighters.

Unfortunatly I cannot Identify the greeblies used to detail the prop. I'm hoping someone here can help.

I am not sure who's picture this is. I hope no one minds if I post it here.

Here is a couple pictures of the lighters I have Identified.

Hi all

I would like to build a Borg neural processor, and I have Identified the main body made from vintage lighters.

Unfortunatly I cannot Identify the greeblies used to detail the prop. I'm hoping someone here can help.

I am not sure who's picture this is. I hope no one minds if I post it here.

Here is a couple pictures of the lighters I have Identified.

Those "star washers" could be blades from an electric shaver (norelco, three head type) I just cleaned mine out yesterday and spent a good deal of time looking at them
The black part looks like some kind of snap in jig saw puzzle. Maybe a travel game or something, turned upside down so the snap in holes are facing up.

The probe at the front looks like one of those things you put in drywall to hold a screw in place, wrapped with wire. The thing on the side looks like a small heat sync off of a motherboard or PCI card.
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I think the star washers are just simply star lock washers. The puzzle pieces are the items I am having the most trouble identifing. I guess I could fabricate them, but I'd really like to find the correct part.
They're plastic puzzle peices for sure, but if you look close, you'll see that each peice is the exact same shape and size.

I can't help but think I've seen something like that before but I can't remember what or where...
The heatsink looks a lot like the one I used on a blaster prop I made some time ago. That one was made for TO-220 transistors and so is this one, so I would assume it's the same. I got mine at Radio Shack Good luck finding a store with one in stock any more. Here's the link to what they currently have in stock

Here's the photo of mine in use: (just in front of the magazine, below the barrel shroud)

That probe thingy could be a cellphone antenna with light-up LED with the outer sheath removed.

I wanted to show off my hero Borg neural processor.

Here is what I came up with.

I used 2 lighters. One complete one, and one for parts. The antenna is a spring. The hose used was wire shielding. Last the star washers are #9 star washers. I was unable to figure out what the other parts were so I fabricated the antenna top, puzzle pieces, heat sink, and the grip on the back. All the fabricated parts were mastered from styrene, and cast in black resin. I then masked and painted the design on the surface although it appears that the black design may be transparent stickers.



That turned out really cool, Stapleton! Amazing to think they used cigarette lighters fot borg technology, lol! Those turned out really well!
