Helmet of Hercules: God of War III


Active Member
Hello all,

While starting to churn out orders for my Hawkman helmet, I also want to start another personal project, unrelated to any commissions or requests.
I'm a lover of Greek Mythology (almost went into that for college instead of sculpting), and played/followed the God of War series with some interest, even if they do butcher the mythos somewhat, its still amazingly enjoyable.

I love their art direction, and when GoW3 came out, I was especially impressed by Hercules. So, looking at his helmet, and his weapons, I thought it was hilarious they managed to incorporate all three heads of Cerberus.

Heres a video showing him: YouTube - God of War 3: Boss Battle Hercules (HD 720p)

His helmet will be my next project, but unlike my previous ones, I want to avoid working on it initially in clay. While I love using that material, I don't think it will be particularly helpful with this specific piece, and will want to try a different method of construction. I've looked over Volpin's prop blog on his Thomas and Guy, and was curious if anyone else had other suggestions on construction methods. I want to get my master as smooth and finished as possible before molding, unlike my Hawkman helmet were I had to make 3 molds before it was finally 'finished'.

Theres an image as well. Rather excited about this, and started to do alittle research.
Any suggestions on how to create the plume?
It would be cool if you made the plume with horsehair in the traditional Greek way. I think I've seen some tutorial online from the re-enactors. An alternative I've seen is using broom bristles.

That is one cool helmet!
Hey Blind! I was thinking of going the traditional way, to make it look the best. I also follow your blog for prop building tips and would be open to any sort of suggestions on what to start on for the construction of the helmet.
Well. if clay is a no-go for the lion part, I'd be tempted to use Pepakura and slush resin inside it to build thickness. For the other parts, I'd build them out of styrene and poplar.

Of course, I can't sculpt as well as you can!
I was thinking of going with clay for the lion parts, but wanted to build up the helmet and non-organic forms in something like foam and use bondo, fiberglass, what have you, to get it to the right shape, and sanded smooth. Or, I might use Apoxie Sculpt for the lion (or the entire helmet).