Hellboy Tooth Fairy wallburst display WIP


Sr Member
The tooth fairies are my favourite creatures in Hellboy 2, and I love the maquette that Gentle Giant brought out, but I wanted to have a go a creating something which wouldn't cost me £100. Inspired to finally get around to it by CustomCreations autopsy pose (love it!), I got out the Sculpey and some black beads and came up with these little guys:




I have a newfound respect for people that can sculpt in this scale, I really don't know how you can get such detail in this size!

The plan is to create some sort of hole-in-the-wall for these guys to be peering out of - once I have the wall thickness figured out, I'll add hands grasping over the edges of the hole. I may even add a mouth-wide-open head looking out as well.
Good work, I can't wait to see the finished display. I like those little guys but they freak my wife out something crazy.
Never did get any further on these guys. Never did find a toy/figure with suitable hands that I could cannibalise to use the hands for this.