W westhamshirts New Member Feb 15, 2011 #1 Hi, Anyone know where i can buy a heath Ledger Joker bank robber shirt, to go with my costume.?
rockbottom Sr Member RPF PREMIUM MEMBER Feb 15, 2011 #2 The real shirt was never found. Magnoli had an interest list for this shirt a while back but I don't think there was enough for a run of the fabric. Your best bet would be a thrift store and find something close. Most people wouldn't know the difference anyway as long as you had a good mask.
The real shirt was never found. Magnoli had an interest list for this shirt a while back but I don't think there was enough for a run of the fabric. Your best bet would be a thrift store and find something close. Most people wouldn't know the difference anyway as long as you had a good mask.