Sr Member
Hey everyone.....just want to post this to let everyone know about this scammer..
his ebay I.D. Is or should I say was mrconfusion now it is realpropsuk..he has a website WWW.REALPROPS.CO.UK
...he won an auction of mine back on July 12th of this year and has yet to pay me.... He sent a check and purposely didn't date it so it was returned to me as no good.....he then told me he was sending payment......I never got it......I asked for a tracking number so he sent me a fake one. LOL then when I called him on it he said he wanted to be honest and let me know he never sent anything and could I wait a couple weeks until he got paid.......3 weeks later he said he sent it? it's Sept. 21st now.. LOL still have nothing from him.....asked for a tracking number and he said he didn't get one but he would check to see when it was mailed.....so today he sends me an email telling me it was sent on Sept. 7th and he sent CASH... ??? So if it is missing he is out too. LOL
I think you get the Idea....I just don't want any others here to get burned like I did...
Heads up everyone..

Thanks for the heads up... hope you get your money. :eek

Also... I know his username is probably meant to be "Real Props UK", but it can easily be misread as "Real Prop Suk" :p
<div class='quotetop'>(Hellclaw 01 @ Oct 11 2006, 09:23 PM) [snapback]1336298[/snapback]</div>
Doesn't sound like much of a scam to me, more like a deadbeat bidder.
contact any longtime uk member of r2 builders about this guy
waste of space :thumbsdown
I made a thread about this guy a while back, i taught him a lot of basic fx and prop building, and he took photos of work i had produced and got funding for his 'company' with those pics claiming he was the guy who did it, he really is a scumbag, and a recaster, stay clear..
<div class='quotetop'>(SiR-ROUND @ Oct 12 2006, 01:32 AM) [snapback]1336607[/snapback]</div>
Wow, this is looking nasty.

Double thanks.

Yep. I figured there was more to him than meets the eye........... :(

thanks guys.
this guy needs to be nailed.

Looking at his website it would be interesting to know if anyone here recognises any of the props, they may have been re-casted
OOOHHH...I almost bought a BTTF time circuit unit from him...glad I'm waiting for a more accurate unit.
Whew thanks for the heads up
I see he has sold quite a few R2 units looking through his feedback, i wonder if they to are recasted, that seems to be the limit of his talents.
He sent a check and purposely didn't date it ... [/b]

You could have filled in the date yourself and it would be quite legal. Only faking the signature or altering words that are already written is illegal. Secretaries fill out cheques for the boss to sign all the time.