Heads up: Battlestar Galactica "tour"


Sr Member
Just rec'd my EMP/SFM membership renewal letter. (Experience Music Project / Science Fiction Museum)

It mentions:

"I also want to assure you that our new Battlestar Galactica exhibition is coming your way this fall."

Does anyone know what exhibition contains? They sold off all the props and costumes, so unless Paul Allen purchased a butt load of stuff, I'm not really sure what this could be!
I've not heard a thing about a tour, sounds more like they got some local BSG fans to pool together privately collected items to make an exhibit.
Hey, let me know if this actually looks like it'll come to fruition. I'd be willing to bet that Aaron Douglas would happily make the jaunt down from Vancouver to put in an appearance. :)
Hey, let me know if this actually looks like it'll come to fruition. I'd be willing to bet that Aaron Douglas would happily make the jaunt down from Vancouver to put in an appearance. :)

Actually Aaron mentioned this at Emerald City Comic Con though I was too busy to ask him for any sort of details.