Has anyone done any Equilibrium Props?


New Member
I believe that the gun may be a modified Baretta 92s. I'm considering tackling the coat(s) after some extensive research.

SO, anyone else gone this road before me? Would love to see pics.
I am 98% certain that the guns were beretta M92's with a barrel extension and a custom hammer. I think there was a member offering a conversion kit here a month or so ago.
Originally posted by gunnerk19@Jan 25 2006, 04:16 PM
Found on google, wish I had one...
That picture is some kind of artistic rendition of a quick photoshop I made of the Cleric's piece (long before the DVD ever came out). When I did it, there WERE no photographs of the gun available, so I pulled a pic of a 92FS from Beretta's sight, & went to work. My version was pretty close imo, having been done purely from memory (it ended up on one of the fansites):
Originally posted by Run Runner@Jan 25 2006, 07:06 PM
PtByNmbrs makes a nice kit of the gun.
^Quoted for truth.^
Very, very nice.

I'm going to have to track down this "PtByNmbrs" person.

Thanks all. Keep the info coming...
I made prozium guns and vials a few months back in a private run.
if theres enough interest, I could do another.
Here's mine. 4-tone paintjob - lots of fun to do. No selector switch, unfortunately. I know someone made those at some point, though.

