Harryhausen Cyclops stop-motion puppet replica

That's AWESOME!I thought because(it looks like you are sculpting in supersculpy) that it was going to be a "solid" cast head with no animated movement.What are you making your molds out of if/when casting with silicone?Are you making *hard" molds,like Ultracal,or Epoxy?Just curious.
Does that work with super sculpy,or are you not going to *fire* the sculpt?Usually stop-Mo puppets are sculpted in an oil based clay like Chavant or something?
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Right, I'm just using super sculpy this time because the color of it just happens to closely resemble the color of the original puppets skin so I thought what the heck.
Gotcha, but won't that cause problems when casting the molds with ultracal?Even if you don't fire/bake the super sculpy, won't the curing ultracal heat up enough to get it to firm up and *set* in the mold?Or will it still pull out?I'm guessing you aren't planing on baking the super sculpy head.
No, I'm not gonna bake it and when I do the mold I do it in thin layers and build up the ultracal so the coats won't hardly generate any heat.
Picked at him some more, I'll be getting the rest of his armature parts this coming monday so I'm hoping to have the other side of his face detailed out by then and then I'll assemble the armature, attach the head and begin blocking out his body
Got the other side of the head done now just have to fine tune everything a tad, I should be getting my armature parts tomorrow for the rest of him.
Looks stunning mate, Its always a pleasure to see your work sticking out of a vice, its a sign that more good things are to come. Yu should throw a pic of your Minator up, that sculpt still blows me away.

I'm online for a few hrs, let me know if your around for a catch up?

Awesome stuff
Thanks guys!! Hey there Guy, yup I'm around and I just so happen to be working on a furry friend of yours at the mo! gimme a buzz or shoot me an email.... it'll be great to catch up with ya bud!