Harry Potter room


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted in a long while- my position at work was terminated about a year ago and I've been trying to get a business started- In the meantime, my 8 year old daughter has fallen in love with Harry Potter and finished all the books. She would like to go to the theme park, but I think that's not going to happen for a long while- funds are tight!

So...I decided to help her decorate her room. With the use of a carving machine, magic sculpt and pink foam, I built a wall section, sign, Hermione's wand, a wand holder and hedwig (or at least my version-it's not an accurate snowy owl). It was great fun and she's really happy with it.








All I can say is WOW - that's most excellent!

Good luck with the new business too - if your business skills are anything like your decorating/prop skills you will go far.

You should make some of the books that are posted in the paper props thread.
Then you could make a forbidden books section if you have a bookshelf.
That looks fantastic.

Were my daughter five years younger she would be asking me to duplicate that. Thank you for not making this five years ago.
I would love to hear all about your process of making up this room. It is truly wonderful and you should be very proud of yourself.
I'm sure you could make a bit of coin recreating those things for some folks on the board here. Great work. I love coming back and looking at it.
Thanks everyone...seriously. When it's for your child, it's fun in a different way than when it's for yourself or anyone else.
I did not do the portrait- that was from the Deviant Art website. I found the frame for 3 bucks at a local unclaimed freight store. I think they had a couple more left and I'm going back to pick them up. I just highlighted the frame with some bronze/gold paint.

The sign is pink insulation foam, as is the entire wall, and door. The wood texture was done with a wire brush (pulling it through foam can make some decent wood effects). To do the stones, I put 3/8" wide tape down on the pink foam where the grout lines would be (avoiding the door area). Then I painted the whole thing with latex...once that dried, I pulled up the tape. Why? When you spray paint pink foam, it will melt somewhat. I paint over the wall, and wherever I left the foam unpainted (tape mask) it melts. I used a brush handle to act like a tuck pointing tool and helped push in the grout lines. It's a really quick way to make brick or stone shapes in pink foam.

I also use a very thick primer (made for HDU) to build up some texture on the stones. Once it's dry, I painted the stones with several different colors (I was using reference photos from the various hogwarts sets). There seem to be some dark undertones, and other tones beneath the highlight colors.
I used about 3 or 4 layers of glazing and a layer of highlighting to get it to the point I decided to call done.