Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - no spoilers please


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This doesn't have any spoilers...

Anybody else see this early? I searched the forum for other "I just saw it" posts and didn't find any.

I got to go to a press screening with my wife and we were both pretty impressed. We both thought it wrapped up the series very well.

Daniel Radcliffe did an absolutely amazing job in my opinion... he's obviously matured as not just an actor but also as a person so much over the course of this series that seeing him develop throughout it is half the pleasure of watching the series.

The movie doesn't have much in the way of slow spots either and manages to sum up the rest of the story succinctly without being too drawn out. I honestly don't think they could have done this movie as one film. If anything, I'd like to have seen a few more of the critical scenes from the book fleshed out a bit more than I think they had time for even splitting the book into two films.

My ONLY complaint has more to do with the showing than with the movie. Since it was a press screening it was a 3D showing and I've honestly gotten sick of the whole 3D craze because I like to wear my prescription glasses. As you can imagine, wearing two pairs of glasses is not fun and makes me look not unlike a character you'd imagine in a Harry Potter film.

Plus the film is rather dark throughout which I would actually like IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO WEAR TINTED 3D GLASSES :rolleyes

Regardless, it was worth the slight headache to see it. I'm looking forward to getting it on BluRay so I can sit down and watch all of the movies in order at my leisure.
I haven't seen it yet. I'm going at 10 am EST on Friday. I can't wait. Once I see it I will be back to give my view on it. :) I know it will be amazing. Harry Potter is my favorite thing ever! I don't want it to end :cry
I haven't seen it yet. I'm going at 10 am EST on Friday. I can't wait. Once I see it I will be back to give my view on it. :) I know it will be amazing. Harry Potter is my favorite thing ever! I don't want it to end :cry

Yeah, you'll dig it for sure then.

There were a couple of scenes out of the book where most of the audience actually applauded (which I find somewhat amusing myself but it's definitely a sign that the audience enjoyed it.)

I'm definitely curious to see what others have to say about it.
We have our tickets for Friday as well! My wife and I absolutely love these stories (both the books and the films) and can't wait to watch it. We're sitting through all seven movies on Blu-Ray, one per night, leading up to this final film. It's gonna be pretty amazing and kind of sad to see it all end!
I would have liked to watch this film on thursday at midnight, but sadly my girlfriend is out of town and would not speak to me for a week if i went to see this with out her. T_T. Still, I'm glad to hear such positive things about this movie.
Yeah, you'll dig it for sure then.

There were a couple of scenes out of the book where most of the audience actually applauded (which I find somewhat amusing myself but it's definitely a sign that the audience enjoyed it.)

I'm definitely curious to see what others have to say about it.

That is definitely a good sign. I heard someone say you will be able to tell who read the book and who didnt by the reactions to a certain character with the initials S.S. :lol I can't wait seriously. Theres one thing thats minor that I really hope wasn't cut! I don't think it was because I think I saw a picture of it, but who knows.

We have our tickets for Friday as well! My wife and I absolutely love these stories (both the books and the films) and can't wait to watch it. We're sitting through all seven movies on Blu-Ray, one per night, leading up to this final film. It's gonna be pretty amazing and kind of sad to see it all end!

I'm doing the same! I finished rereading the books last week and I started the movies. Sadly I can't watch Part 1 because I let someone borrow the DVD and I can't use my Blu-ray player :( but oh well! come on Friday!
My girlfriend and I already have our tickets for the midnight showing!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I'm probably gonna cry at some parts... I know it :cry I'm also taking my elder wand with me :lol Gotta take at least one prop or wear a costume to a midnight showing... it's the law!!
We are taking our kids to see it straight after school on Friday, looking forward to it.
The main problem with the 3D for this film as far as I am aware is that it was not filmed in 3D but processed into it afterwards. In my opinion this al bad idea and I tend to find it makes my eyes ache more!?!

Gonna be a good film though.
Going to the midnight showing with an awesome girl, 2 positive things in 1 night!!!!!! Doesn't get much better than that
My younger brother is wanting to go to this with me....along with my gf and my best friend....and there are now even more interested so it sounds like I may have a large group going. Need to get my tickets still but there's an AMC 30 nearby so I'll go there. Probably get tickets tomorrow once I have a final number of people

I'm SUPER excited about this movie but I also just read that the first "official" trailer for The Dark Knight Rises will be played before Harry Potter! Not sure how much it will give us but I can't wait especially after seeing the newest poster :)
It feels kinda odd to have seen Emma watson grow up from a cute kid to a very hot looking girl...
WOOHOO! Releases tonight at midnight. I have tickets for tomorrow at 10:10. Going with my two best friends, my brother, and my girl....can't wait :)
I'll be seeing it in less than 6 hours!!! I'm more excited about this than any Star Wars movie I've ever seen!! I think more so than ANY movie I've ever seen.
im actually wanting to see it, even tho ive only seen up to part 4. the first 2 were incredibly booring (at least to me) and i got more to liking it as the series went along. now i just gotta buy the rest and see hollows part 2 in theater.
Just seen it today. I have to say it almost didn't feel like a Harry Potter movie at all, in the same way Part 1 didn't . Its not that I'm not knocking it , as I much preffer the darker ,more adult tones of the later movies, but its pretty grim and upsetting never the less,particularly for the fans of the series .There is obviously a bill to be paid and it feels like it gets done so in full, and the cost is high . A deathly silence often filled the cinema and people were struggling constantly with their tears in many of the scenes towards the end, in numbers that I've not witnessed since "Titanic."
It was very hard to watch the final battle without feeling some terrible regret at the destruction that is wreaked, particularly at Hogwarts, which seems daft but there you go . And nothing is spared . The set builders must have sobbed as much as the audience did as things got blown to hell. The effects are the best they have ever been in the series and there is not a single element or scene in the film that does not belong there or grates. Saying that it really does belt along like a roller coaster ,almost too quickly ,but I think thats necessary and that everyone delivers their best in it, however briefly they may appear in the film. It really is amazing just how they managed to get so many people in it time and time again ,right until the end.
Storywise, it wraps up the entire mystery over Harry , Voldie and another main character brilliantly and, I have to say, very affectingly and effectively within a brief set of scenes. I didn't think it could be done but they did it.Full marks for that. And to the three young actors of course that carried the whole series through to the final showdown. There are others that step up to the mark ,with another member of the cast showing his northern grit by being surprisingly heroic.
And yes, there is that final chapter and it does work, and it caps it off far better than I imagined, particularly the very last frames.As I'm not a huge fan of the series in the way I was with Star wars( its not my generation), I didn't expect it to effect me as much as it did, but it left me feeling both surprisingly saddenned and quietly satisfied with the film and the entire series. I doubt that we'll ever see its like again and thats a sobering thought. So far the best film of the year for me, and I didn't think it would be.