Hannibal Mask at feebay


Sr Member
Somebody ever buyed such a cheapie from thebay?
How's its accuracy? The straps aren't the big deal, but I think the mask would be nice.
-Stated to be made from fibre-glass.
-The texture looks very nice
-Seems that this one is a mix-up between SOTL and Hannibal:
I c 13 holes drilled in it (SOTL), but a color scheme similar to the one in Hannibal...

what are u guys thinking about it??
I would never trust a marketing photograph.

Wait to see a real photo, or feedback from owners (which, in a sense, you are doing with this thread).
Yep, I purchased that mask a while ago. As you say, it's a mix between the two films and needs accurised, but it's a good match for "Hannibal" (nowhere near close to SOTL).

Check out this old thread:


My finished converted mask is on the last page.

And here it is on SgtFangs resin Lecter:

Many thanks for both replys.
This helps me alot:thumbsup
Hm, I just wanted to go with a cheap mask and redesign it a bit to get more accuracy. U know how it goes: Watched the movie again - from time to time - get more interest on this again - want the props --:lol
Sorry, just saw that it was the OFFICIAL Lecter mask - the image didn't show up the first time. I thought that it was of the other Lecter mask that's all over eBay. My one is NOT the official one. To be honest, that official one looks pretty off to me just in its basic shape.
Hi all!
I am looking to buy a Lecter Mask.
First, has anyone bought the "Official" mask? (Picture Below)

Aside from it not being true to either film version, it looks like it could be quite good; or it could be terrible. Can anyone tell me anything? Would it be possible to add better straps?
Despite not liking Hannibal (is it me or did it get really silly) I liked it's version of the mask, so I would be happy with either a SOTL mask or one from Hannibal/Red Dragon (they're pretty similar, right?)

I see the mask which Howlrunner purchased is still being sold on eBay, was it good quality? How difficult was it to fix the angle of the mouth bars?

Thirdly, does anyone on here make masks? Does anyone have any links to people who do? How much are Kropserkel's masks? (If he sill makes them).
I don't have a budget at all really (i'm saving), but I would rather spend for quality than save for tat.

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks!