Han Solo Pants Fabric (ANH)

Obi Sean Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I've read that Han Solo's pants in ANH were navy "brushed denim".

I am in the process of making my pants for my Solo costume and have a question about the fabric.

All the denim at my local fabric store has little 'speckes' in it, like a pair of jeans. Did Solos pants have jean like speckles?

They have a nice solid navy calvary twill that looks nice, but I want the perfect pants (riding seam, pin tuck ream, right stripes, etc).

Which fabric?

Make sure you get material on the darker side of navy. From what I've seen, his ANH pants were made from a very dark blue with a hint of grey in it. I've seen some material at Jo-Ann's that may make good ANH pants, but I haven't tried it myself. What I have learned from the little sewing I've done is that you notice way more small details about fabric before it's turned into a garment than you do afterward. With any luck, the 'speckles' won't even be visible once the pants are assembled.
Risu's right. They used a very deep indigo denim. If denm isn't washed and weathered like modern jeans it doesn't have much speckling to it. But even if it has some light speckle to it, from far it still looks right.
Not exactly SA, but while the subjects up, Hot Topic does a jean called 'indie fit' in a dark blue, they've just gone on clearance for $13 and they're a good close enough to mod for a solo costume if you're looking for something more fitting than, say, dickies.
I'd say go darker than that. The pants were considerably darker than you'd think.