Han Solo Lightsaber?

Tan Djarka

Sr Member
Some time ago I remember seeing a pic or maybe even a thread on a custom "what if?" saber built for Han Solo. I don't remember the exact details other than it had his blaster's flash hider for the emitter. Anyone remember or have pics of that?

Before anyone points it out, I did use the search function, but with no success.
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So... Nothing? I'm not 100% sure it was even this forum. It may have been at the ASAP board. Nobody? It was pretty cool and I'd think it'd be more memorable than that.
I believe that the McQuarrie version had Han with a Lightsaber.

Nope. This wasn't a concept saber or anything from pre-production material. It was a fan made saber, possibly for a contest, that answered the question "If Han Solo built a lightsaber, what would it look like?" It was a lightsaber which featured parts from, and/or was influenced by, the Mauser based blaster.
I believe this is the saber. Can't for the life of me remember who the builder is...Kudos to him though; It's a great concept/design.:thumbsup I believe he might be a member here...I hope I haven't trodden on his toes by posting these!
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I love that! I do think, though, that IF Han were gong to make a LIght SAber, he might be a little more creative about it.
I mean, We don't get the sense that he loves the design elemnts of his blaster so much...

He did a lot of custom modifications to the Falcon and I don't see this design influence anywhere (there's a Photoshop challenge, for ya!)

If the company that made his blaster also made Lightsabers, though, that would be their awesome one!
Well I mean what's he gonna do, put wooden mandibles on his spaceship, like one of those old beach cruisers?
Cool concept! Being a bigger fan of Solo than Jedis, I like it. I would have added holes in the flash-emitter... and, of course, added some weathering to it. But certainly a great idea and excellent execution.

Kind regards,