

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys...

Just thought I would start a wip thread of a project im attempting.

The seed for this project was planted by Sir-Round and his cardboard build up (cheers for that :thumbsup ).

Im into paper models, you know the thing, glue that tab here and that tab there. So I thought Id give it a shot myself, and set about drawing Hammer up in Sketchup. I know his not exact (im not that skilled) but he'll do for me and Ignore his colour I need to learn how to texture.

Once I was happy with my 3d mesh I exported to Pepakura (it unfolds 3D objects) and carried on making the layout for the Paper model. Thats when I had a brainwave.. Why not use the flattened model as a template for parts..
So I printed the parts out minus the tabs and cut them out. Then I simply drew round them on to some ply-sheet and cut them out.

Cut to the chase I can here you yelling.
Well here is how he stands at the moment, damn his gonna be big. :eek , I can get my adult head inside.
Once its all glued together (getting ahead of myself?) i'll sand him down and slap some bodyfiller over him.



I'll update as and when I can (if anyone is interested), but like most people the real world comes first.
Hammerstein originally appeared in Starlord comic as part of a Thunderbirds style rescue team called Ro-Busters with robots instead of people. His partner was called Ro-Jaws...Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein (click HERE if you don't get it).

When Starlord merged with 2000AD in 1978, Ro-Busters was one of the stories that lived on, written by Pat Mills and drawn by Dave Gibbons of Watchmen fame.

In Ro-Busters Hammerstein was an army surplus robot from the ABC Warriors which started in Prog 119 as a story in its own right, drawn by Kevin O'Neill (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). In true Pat Mills style the war he was supposed to have fought in was against the Volgons (thinly disguised Russians), which tied the story to Invasion. which appeared in 2000AD Prog 1 though Invasion. is set in 1999 and doesn't feature robots which would suggest that the ABC Warriors' involvement came much later. One timeline has the war ending around 2023. Judge Dredd is initially set in 2099, 20 years after his graduation and when he sent his clone-brother Rico to Titan.

When the Stallone movie was made they decided to give Hammerstein a cameo role and in the comic in Prog 960-963 there was a four part Judge Dredd story involving him too.

Here is a Hammerstein pin-up showing a model made by Martin Bower in 1979. Hammerstein is wearing his peace head.


Here's his war head.



Sorry for the link and image intensive ramble, but I thought you might be interested in a bit of pre-movie background to the character.


Cool. I can't wait to see your progress.

This was a very clever approach to pre-production on a prop. I recently started making 3-D models to work out details and sizes BEFORE I started nuilding but I hadn't thought of UNFOLDING them.

Very clever indeed.
I was hoping to do a bit more over the weekend, but as luck would have it the in-laws have found me a task that will take that up most of it.
There should be a law against guilt-trips.

Nice brief there Wake, but to tell you the truth I have never liked the original Hammer-stein, his just to erm.....ugly.
I much perfer his re-envisioned mug.

BlindSquirrel, the idea works great, bar for the fact you would have to take into account material thickness (which I didn't), as Pepakura is really design to be used with card stock.

The link is here for anyone interested in it.

BlindSquirrel, You might want to check Touch-3D out.

Well I got left alone for a few hours today and managed to make a bit of progress.
The mouth, eye sockets and brain inset (which was a pain because of the eye sockets) were done.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow and a spare few hours to skin his head.


Just a little update, not that theres much interest. :(



Please excuse the pictures, got the shakes today :$
Learnt a great lesson today. When using bodyfiller...less is more..
I take my hat off to you people who make sanding it look so easy.
Live and learn I suppose.

Well I started fillering to day and heres a progress picture.

I know I know it looks rough, hopefully with a few more whips of filler and i'll have it flattened down.

Anyone got an idea as to what colour and what paint to use?.
Only me.... :p

Please bear with me on this little project as most of the stuff im doing is new to me and proving a little more than difficult.

Well I was looking at him and wasn't happy about the brow and cheek bone being so flat, so i've tried (am trying) to rework them.

Heres a few progress pictures...yeah the mess scared me too, but it soon sands down ...phew..

Pics warts n all.....




Lots of work left to do..... I wont give up I wont give up ...fade to infinity........ :confused
Well I guess your all going by the old saying " If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." :p

Hey, I can take it like a man. :cry :D

Well anyhow, I got on with some more shaping and sanding (getting fed up with the sanding part now)and think it's time to take a break from it because i'm getting frustrated with all the hole filling and smoothing.

So I decided to cut out and glue the jaw...Gah..
I only went and glued it back to front, :unsure , an easy fix when I get to it.

Sat for a minute twiddling my thumbs as to what to screw up next.
I decided to clean the dust off and gave it a quick and dirty blow over with a can of spray to see if it looks anything like Hammer. His there, I think, but i'm gonna take a week off from him and hope I can get the enthusiasm together to sort out all the dings and bumps.

I never envisioned this much work before I started but I will preserver as i've come this far, all be it at a slower rate.
I've always wanted a bust of him, so im not going to ruin that dream by rushing and binning him.

Wooh., that was more than I sat down to type, but I guess a few of you can see where im coming from.

Oh yeah, progress pictures anyone?.



very cool. I'm enjoying watching this thread. As for peeps not posting, don't worry about it. Most times we are drive by gawkers anyways and even if we're impressed tend just to sit back and watch the greatness unfold silently...

I like it you really got some time in this big boy. I wish I had the time to do something like this keep it up and keep us posted. Nice work very nice.
Can't believe I missed this thread... stupid me... I loved the other ABC War Robot topic and this one is just as cool. Very nice progress there. :thumbsup
<div class='quotetop'>(kdawg1 @ Sep 8 2006, 02:12 PM) [snapback]1315564[/snapback]</div>
I like it you really got some time in this big boy. I wish I had the time to do something like this keep it up and keep us posted. Nice work very nice.

Thanks for the comments guys they really do help to give the heart to carry on. :thumbsup

Time, I wish I had some spare. :confused

When I started this I was on holiday and hoping to complete it before I had to return to work, no such luck. That was more down to me and how surprised I was that my mad method of building was working out, and he was actually starting to look like Hammer. I slowed down so as not to ruin the progress I was making and ended up getting frustrated with the body filler not doing as I wanted. So before I knew it I ran out of time and was back at work :(

Don't worry though, I am still going to complete him and seeing this post bumped back up has given me the incentive to try find some time to have another bash at him with renewed gusto.

I will post an update once I start back on him and inflict sever lag on the 56kers amongst us with lots more progress pictures. :p
That's a great potted history from Wake, and I never knew Martin Bower made that model of my favourite hunk o' junk. Good though they all are (Kevin Walker's was particularly well-drawn & painted), the daddy of all Hammersteins has to be the Simon Bisley. The movie build was good, but for my money, Bisley's versions of all the ABC Warriors were the best ever committed to the pages of 2000AD.

Yours is coming along nicely, I too wish I had the time for things other than work, sleep and the odd 15 minutes at the PC. Keep up the great work.
<div class='quotetop'>(NoHumorMan @ Sep 8 2006, 10:42 PM) [snapback]1315583[/snapback]</div>
Can't believe I missed this thread... [/b]
Same here. This is great work, Rebo. Love the WIP shots and commentary. Sorry you had to slog through the early going with nary a comment from passers-by. But it looks as if you've got an appreciative audience gathered now. Looking forward to continued progress. Way cool. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup