HALO - Paramount+ TV Series

I’m really feeling the trailer. They got the look of the characters really well, and it certainly looks like they’ve put good production into it.
In HALO 1 and 2, Cortana was just a humanoid appearing AI. But by HALO 3 and 4, they had basically made her a nude centerfold model walking around. They cleaned all that up in Guardians and Infinite, giving her more realistic female body proportions (and clothing). Looks like that's the route they are taking here; in fact her CG model looks childlike in the brief clip of her we see. At least they hired Jen Taylor to do the voice.

RE: the Spartans (who are genetically modified and should tower over regular humans at 7 feet tall when suited up); here MC seems to be somewhat taller than a standard soldier? Spartan's are supposed to be VADER big. Scale looks wrong here, but we will see.
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This series will only loosely follow established Halo canon, it exists in an “authentic, but independent timeline,” which in my opinion is a good thing.

I used to read all the books, the comics, the extended everything...but eventually it became a bit too much and I gave up in favor of only playing the games.

That is one of the reasons I’m so excited for this...it’s going to tell a story that I’ll be able to easily follow without having to know anything that happened in a book four years ago.
I liked the trailer. I'm not holding out much hope, based on the complete garbage that Paramount puts out in Trek. Maybe, we'll see in a couple of months.
This looks decent. The MC costume is pretty good, for having to put a person in it. Don't know who is doing his voice, but it sounds familiar even though it sure isn't Steve Downes.

Making it completely separate from the games is a good move, just for the sake of keeping things clear and relatively simplified.

The trailer music seemed a bit generic, hopefully it's just for the trailer. The games have such great themes to pull from, it would be a damn shame not to use them. Hopefully they'll feature in the show to some degree. New music can be great too, but I can't count the number of times a character with an established theme gets used in a new property and they decide to go a different direction with the music, only for it to completely fade from my mind afterward. This is basically a dig at the DCEU scores. Sorry.
Yikes, so they're gonna go helmetless with Chief? They could've easily just gone the Vader route and just do both. James Earl Jones when the helmet was on, Sebastian Shaw in the only scene when it wasn't (and he also had dialogue).
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Yikes, so they're gonna go helmetless with Chief? They could've easily just gone the Vader route and just do both. James Earl Jones when the helmet was on, Sebastian Shaw in the only scene when it wasn't (and he also had dialogue).
That works for Vader because his suit was a walking life support system so it made it easy to buy that the suit altered his voice. But that's not the case with the Spartans, their armor is just armor and while his voice may be amplified, it's clearly not altered.
In HALO 1 and 2, Cortana was just a humanoid appearing AI. But by HALO 3 and 4, they had basically made her a nude centerfold model walking around. They cleaned all that up in Guardians and Infinite, giving her more realistic female body proportions (and clothing). Looks like that's the route they are taking here; in fact her CG model looks childlike in the brief clip of her we see. At least they hired Jen Taylor to do the voice.

RE: the Spartans (who are genetically modified and should tower over regular humans at 7 feet tall when suited up); here MC seems to be somewhat taller than a standard soldier? Spartan's are supposed to be VADER big. Scale looks wrong here, but we will see.
Having recently played through Halo 1 -3, I can say that Cortana didn't change much at all through the games. She's always been humanoid in a skin-tight digital looking covering, but not nude.
That works for Vader because his suit was a walking life support system so it made it easy to buy that the suit altered his voice. But that's not the case with the Spartans, their armor is just armor and while his voice may be amplified, it's clearly not altered.
I would’ve hoped that it would’ve been a moot point anyways because depicting him without the helmet and ruining the mystery would be a shame. If he’s helmetless enough in the show to warrant needing to use the physical actor’s voice (as opposed to Downes) so people aren’t confused, seems like a questionable choice.
I would’ve hoped that it would’ve been a moot point anyways because depicting him without the helmet and ruining the mystery would be a shame. If he’s helmetless enough in the show to warrant needing to use the physical actor’s voice (as opposed to Downes) so people aren’t confused, seems like a questionable choice.
It sounds like they're doing the origin story of the Spartans, at least in part, so it would make sense to have MC helmet-less from time to time. Perhaps they'll do something like in Mandalorian where 99% of the time, he's helmeted, but there will be an occasional helmet-less scene.
I would’ve hoped that it would’ve been a moot point anyways because depicting him without the helmet and ruining the mystery would be a shame. If he’s helmetless enough in the show to warrant needing to use the physical actor’s voice (as opposed to Downes) so people aren’t confused, seems like a questionable choice.
His helmet has come off once in the games.