I Ithica New Member Aug 12, 2011 #1 This was one of my favorite suit but I will have a new verion out shortly.
Biohazard New Member Aug 12, 2011 #4 Man, the backpack is all kinds of awesome. I love the amount of detail you got into it!
Dericrw Well-Known Member RPF PREMIUM MEMBER Aug 12, 2011 #5 I have always enjoyed your stuff on the 405th!
D deogeo Member Aug 12, 2011 #6 Nice matey, looking good. Really like the pic of you with the grav hammer, you see someone coming at you with one of those and you know you're in the sticky stuff
Nice matey, looking good. Really like the pic of you with the grav hammer, you see someone coming at you with one of those and you know you're in the sticky stuff