Hallmark TOS Phaser review


Well-Known Member
dont know if you have seen them , but i ordered a Hallmark p2 and was very surprised when it arrived.
i thought it would be small like thier other orniments but it is the same as the AA p2's, in fact they lok the same except no side slot.
the settings wheel has three sounds , the second one sounds fine but the other two are crappy IMHO.
the wheel opens the sight and fires the sound and lights a bright red led in the emitter. neet.
and it only cost me $10.
a must buy for Phaser geeks. :lol
john :cool
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Where did you find it only $10? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
I just happened to drive by a Hallmark store so I just picked one up. Its pretty cool for what it is... I wish they would have made the button look more like the jewel on the P1, but I dont really have anything to complain about...EXCEPT... It said batteries included, but didnt mention that they werent in the ornament and you needed a screwdriver to put em in...I wanted to play with it!
Have we established yet that it does in fact fit into place in the AA P2 body? Reading about the thing's size was a pleasant suprise for me as well.
Nope, it does not fit. The front of the emitter body is way too wide. The size is very close but not exact.

To clarify, you're not saying this is a case of needing velcro, but that it can't even be pushed down into the P2 body? Thanks for the response BTW, Jhusel.
it has voice clips around ten i think about phasers, like Kirk to Spock " set your phaser on 1/4 pwer, i"ll leave mine on stun" they sound pretty clear not like the AA med tric.
and if they had centered the voice button i would have a blue jewel onit already. :lol

oh i got it off Ebay for $100 plus $5 shipping, he had more listed, when the auction went for $12 he sent me a second chance offer for $10. must have a bunch.
ehre is the auction :http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220487375736&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
jon :cool
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The front of the P1 is too wide to fit inside the P2. So since it won't fit it becomes too long. If you reworked the front it would probably fit but you have the rear notch and sound to worry about then. This one only fires when you roll the wheel all the way forward. There is no button on the bottom.

Hope that helps :)
also they have a cool irridecent {sp} mylar sticker on the sight face and the section over the emitter, nice because it ties the two parts together since IIRC this is supposed to be the front of the sight also the reason for the clear window in the front of the p2 showing this part.
john :cool

oh and it has a nice metal ring on the rear to hang it on your tree or your belt. :rolleyes
why would you want to put it in the AA P2? Honestly, I like the AA P1 better... All the same, its nice for what it is.
i found out that with 6 inches of velcro, 3 pieces of black electrical tape and a big gob of glue ,,,

sorry but i had to do it.. :rolleyes.

john :cool
I only ask because the shape seemed more screen accurate and the added sound effects seemed cool. I would have to see one to obv. make a determination. For now, my AA one will do.

And just velcro, electrical tape, and glue? That saves me the trouble of having to dig out my axe, anvil, and electronic level from storage.
here is some comparison pics , MR , AA, HMARK.
john :cool
So then that would be MR with the added "jewel"? :confused

The Hallmark does appear intriguingly silm! :D

saw this today, was pretty impressed that they did the different phaser settings sounds to actually work, impressive for an ornament.
when i first saw the adds i was afraid that you had to plug them into your tree lights to give it power like the other orniments. :lol

john :cool