Guardians Insignia


Sr Member
I was commissioned to a display piece for Guardians of The Galaxy. The display is to be used as a base for a Star Lord Display. It will measure about 23" in diameter. I started with the artwork. The goal is to recreate this insignia:


The curve of the shield and the border around it with the scribe lines really screams "3D" to me. After a little drawing, I was able to recreate the insignia with the all the details. Next up was to turn it into a 3D model. Below is the end result:

Off to the CNC it goes to start carving:

The end product before any finish work:

Here is the display with primer.


In order for the 3d to have impact, I needed to make this one thicker than normal. The bottom layer will have the star field painted on it and then the top "3d" layer will be fastened on to it.

Here is the display with the gold. I went ahead and painted the gold on the bottom layer hoping that it will glue up nice and smooth. It probably won't, but I am being optimistic here.

Got the background painted. Instead of doing a solid color, I used shades of purple and black to replicate what is in the JPEG that I am replicating.

The top layer will be glued to the bottom and then I will need to fill in the gaps and repaint the outer ring. To do it again, I would cut the center out and make it a separate piece with the seams under the outer ring.


After the edge is sealed up, I will paint the details on the insignia.

Here she is in all her glory!

The seam where the two layers joined together are flawless. After the gold went down on the edge, I topped it all with coat of Poly.
