Grey or Gray Letter - Grail Diary Insert


Active Member
The Gray Letter or Grey depending on your country's spelling.....

Another long and tedious session working on this recreation. I wasn't content to have a partial insert in my Diary and had to fill in the "missing" words.
I think it turned out good. There was alot of work in Photoshop to copy individual letters and words and reorder them into the final product.

I dont know how close this is to the original but its based on whatever sources I could find.

If you like what I have done then Hit me up if you would like a copy. Happy to share

Gray Letter 1.jpg

Gray Letter 2.jpg

Gray Letter 3.jpg

Gray Letter 4.jpg
Hello, what are official sources of that letter?
Screen used source or original props pictures?
Apparantly it was a prop used in the movie "A passage to India". There is a scene where you can make it out. It was then used in the grail diary and can be glimpsed in the Last Crusade when Indy first opens the diary and thumbs through it.
