Green Lantern Ring. 360 degree Glow. Video

Dude. That rocks. I had to watch it a few times just to get my brain to accept that was live footage and not post production CGI.
Originally posted by greatwazoo42@Apr 7 2006, 01:43 PM
Dude.  That rocks.  I had to watch it a few times just to get my brain to accept that was live footage and not post production CGI.

LoL, thanks. Yea no tricks here, that is live footage. And it is relativley simple to make as well.
Man, that is just too cool.


Originally posted by Plo Koon@Apr 7 2006, 12:46 PM
God, there is NOTHING you can't do...were you unwed (and us both gay) I would take you in a manly fashion :lol

Man, that is just too...


Oh wait, I have it. :eek:
Originally posted by Plo Koon@Apr 7 2006, 11:46 AM
God, there is NOTHING you can't do...were you unwed (and us both gay) I would take you in a manly fashion :lol
Cuz he's pretty? :lol :lol
thanks everyone.

I love this place. Everyone can pick up on little things lol.

PLo Kloon, Take me in a manly fashion eh? lol.

Tempo, thanks. It is my ffavorite song from Constantine, what I call Beemans theme. :p
Drat...I went to watch the video again after talking with a buddy about it and it's not there anymore. Are you hosting the ring vid someplace else now?