Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!!

Jack T Chance

Sr Member
Well, folks, it's that time of year again... the annual Toy Fair show... and Rubie's has finally revealed what they're doing for the upcoming Green Lantern movie line... trust me when I say that NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN can adequately prepare you for THE HORROR that awaits you on store shelves this Halloween!

If you have a weak stomach, TURN BACK NOW!!!













Still here? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you...







By Oa! I knew not to expect much, but these things are so bad, they make the Justice League muscle suit costumes look GOOD! And the aliens are even WORSE! They took Sinestro, a pink-skinned alien from Korugar, and made him look like a New Jersey D-bag with a fake tan! And don't even get me started on the monumental fail that is the Kilowog and Tomar-Re costumes! I think Rubie's just broke my brain! :confused

The ONLY thing that MIGHT be worth picking up is the Adult Light Up Ring... and even that one's iffy.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I'm not really sure what the problem is...looks good to me.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Wow. Bad...but Rubies does bad better than most.

Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I can imagine some of those stretched over a good foam muscle suit being too bad.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Did I told you, that I love my first sig?
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Rubies doesn´t even say "screen accurate or anything like that in their ads, so it´s just halloween/costuming stuff, so no need to get all upset. As a kid I´d have flipped over those costumes, I tell ya.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I can imagine some of those stretched over a good foam muscle suit being too bad.
The ironic thing there is, as I mentioned earlier, Rubie's previously made an adult Green Lantern Muscle Suit Costume, based on the current comic book costume. These movie things make it look GOOD!



Heck, all you'd have to do is add some white gloves (which the suit really should have come with in the first place) and a decent power ring replica, and it would look decent... especially if you don't have that superheroic physique going on.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Rubies doesn´t even say "screen accurate or anything like that in their ads, so it´s just halloween/costuming stuff, so no need to get all upset. As a kid I´d have flipped over those costumes, I tell ya.

QFT :thumbsup Rubies target market is not us.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I'm glad I've lived loing enough to see a power battery lantern candy pail available from a commercial licensee.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Those pails might make a good base for the battery.... The female costume looks interesting, I want to see that in real life before I make a decision on that... The rest is crap.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

The Kilowog costume makes me want to cry. The look on the kids face for the child's light up ring is priceless....creepy.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Pretty bad by our standards, but remember they produce "Halloween Costumes" and not Hollywood-caliber wardrobe pieces...not to mention the fact that the GL uniform is all CG in the movie.
It's tough for us hardcore costumers because we seldom ever get anything good that is commercially available - that's what keeps this hobby thriving is the independent artist who takes it to the next level and beyond by producing Hollywood quality costumes and props.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

wow... these are just wow.... please make it go away
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I see potential. I see basic printed fabric that really if you modded to your body type and added the right accessories ,real boots and real gloves that you could potentially have a decent costume.

Star Wars fans are used to Rubies butchering characters for years so no shock really.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Looking at this, does anyone else agree that it looks like the facemasks in the pics look like green, trimmed Begins rubies masks? the same shape.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Someone will use the Battery Buckets as a base and make a really cool version with fiberglass and LEDs. I predict it first ;)
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

O MY GOD. I think I just died a little by looking at these costumes.I haven't felt this sad and mad since hal Jordan died.
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

I guess they look good if you're fat to begin with!
Re: Green Lantern Movie Costumes -- FROM RUBIE'S -- Prepare yourself for THE HORROR!!

Looking at this, does anyone else agree that it looks like the facemasks in the pics look like green, trimmed Begins rubies masks? the same shape.

now that you mention it, it does look like thats what they did