Graflex: Cleaning and Fixing Bent Ear

Hello again everyone!

10+ after first coming here, I finally have a steady career that will allow me to once again feed this expensive hobby/habit :lol

I just got my first Graflex in the mail today! Unfortunately, it was a bit dirty and the ear assembly is kind of bent. I was wondering if anyone had experience "restoring" Graflexes?

I made a video that describes in a little more detail—the password is "rpf"
This is a password protected video on Vimeo

Thanks :)

Some close-ups:



I was able to bend it back though it's still a bit loose (not sure if it's meant to be that way or if the pin in the back needs to be made tighter somehow). Thanks for the link, bigcow—I'll check them out.
It should be loose, in a sense that it can/will "sway" from side to side, including the bulb holder ring.

I second that: the bulb holder does move side-to-side (some are a bit tighter, others looser - no biggie). Also, re the scratches, why not leave them? Wash the tube off with a good detergent, and call it a day. Scratches add character! :cool
You can wedge something small on both sides of the ears on the inside up close to the ears if you catch what I'm saying. I have 2 wires that cant be seen unless you really look for em and my ears don't move.

IMHO it's better than what most people do. Which is solder or supergluing the pin.
Yep give the thing a wipe over to remove any dirt build up and then use some grips to pinch the bunny ears in a little and leave it as is..