Graflex Bank - EVERYTHING you need to know about the Skywalker lightsaber prop!


Active Member
Hey! I've been working on this website for about 3 months now, gathering huge amounts of information about everything related to the Graflex and conveniently placing it all on one website.

All the big and the tiny differences between each saber between each movie, an evergrowing image album, a list of all replica Graflexes with lots of information and images, where to buy replicas and parts... You name it, the Graflex Bank has it all! Well... that's the goal anyway :) It's getting there, and with your help, it will get even closer to that goal!

I'm hoping you amazingly talented people can help me fill in some parts of the site. Below, I will keep a constantly updating list of things I'm looking for, and if there's anything you think you can help with, don't hesitate to let me know! :)

Things I'm looking for right now:
  • Opinions on how "The Sabers" pages are formatted
  • Opinions and thoughs on the website in general
  • Pictures of Larbel, Biskit and Graflex Reborn replicas
  • Pictures of a complete and not converted Graflex Reborn (Though converted ones are fine too!)
  • I would love to display pictures of your Graflex collection!

There's a lot of videos and video tutorials I plan to add eventually, I just haven't figured out how I want to do it yet - and there's so much other information I keep adding :) You'd think at 3 months of work, I'd be running out of content to add, but nope!

I hope this will come in handy to some of you! And apologies if I did anything wrong, this is my first time making an actual post on here.

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Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Wicked job on the website. I use it all the time, great references

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Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

You are missing the Vader stunt lightsaber from Return of the Jedi. Albeit it is a butchered graflex.

Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Awesome reference point. Great job! :thumbsup
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Amazing job! I really like the clean interface and well organized info. Very nice. Bookmarked!
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Forgot to mention, if any of you send me pictures of your Graflex collections, I'd love to display them in the gallery!
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Like everybody else said, a fantastic reference! Especially for those of us that are new to the hobby, and looking for comparisons and information (such as myself).
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Found this on google last week and enjoyed reading it. Thanks for putting this together, a much needed resource!
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Thanks everyone!

Like everybody else said, a fantastic reference! Especially for those of us that are new to the hobby, and looking for comparisons and information (such as myself).

It's something I would have loved to have when I was new to this, which is also part of why I made it :)

That was only half a year ago though, so I guess I'm still pretty new!
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

That is totally cool. Would have been great to have this info when first starting.

A friend and I learned the lost, mysterious secrets of the Graflex at the 10th anniversary Star Wars convention. He bought this gorgeous Luke saber from Marco Enterprises. He was wearing it as we were walking around and we both thought, "Wow, that is so cool!" And then we started seeing people wearing Real Actual Lightsabers. Suddenly the Marco saber wasn't nearly as cool. We went up to the people with the Real Lightsabers. They were complete, total wangs.

"Cool lightsaber! Where'd you get it?"
"I made it myself."
"Wow. How'd you make it?"
"It was part of my Jedi training."
"Cool. What did you make it out of?"
"My Jedi Master instructed me."
"Yeah yeah yeah. What did you make it out of?"
They would not tell us. Because they sucked.

They. We're not. Jedi. Fortunately for them, we did not have any gaffi sticks with us, otherwise they would have found them sticking out from their foreheads. We didn't get the Graflex story until we wound up standing in line with MK, and he was kind enough to clue us in.
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

I'll be keeping an updated summary of everything related to the The Last Jedi Graflex as information becomes available over the next year :)

Direct link:

This kind of made me excited, so I kind of hope the prop turns out to actually be different this time around! Yes, I might've gone mad... maybe I should have ordered 4 saber stands, not 3... and another graflex...
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

What an amazing Graflex resource site, kudos brother great work, a must read for any Graflex enthusiast!
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

Thanks guys :) It's been super fun making! I might have to expand to more sabers once I feel it's "complete"... I don't know what else I would do with my time...
Re: Graflex Bank - Everything you need to know about the Graflex lightsaber!

I am crazy excited right now!!!

I found ICONS' old website, and with it a lot of information and images that I've been looking for. I freakin' love the wayback machine!


Chris from Cinema Replicas is the one who gave me the URL to their website. He also has some awesome behind the scenes images from ICONS available on his site!

BUT THAT ISN'T ALL! I found some Larbel goodness as well :)

There were 2 more images as well, but it wont let me open full size and I'm struggling saving the small ones. But there's information on the page I'm excited about too, and any image is a good thing!

I'm geeking out! This is what my life has become :) Time to have some fun digesting all of this and adding it to the bank!
The actual final Icons saber had a D Ring, not that silly attempt at a Kobold clip.