Got my first High-End Prop Deal !


Well-Known Member
Any guesses? :) Which movie?

As soon as I finalize the deal, I'll post detailed review :D
Originally posted by SmilingOtter@Jan 19 2006, 03:37 PM
One of Condor Man's gadgets?

Now THAT would be REALLY REALLY REALLY cool ...

I loved that movie as a kid, and still like it a lot ... The black Porsches, the silver target eye, man, that movie was campy and fun ...

As a kid, I even made plans on how to build the wings, but never got around to actually build them. so, nothing has changed over the past 25 years (I am sure that there is someone out there who will testify on this, ey Markus ? ;) )

... or the barber shop floor :confused
Originally posted by ToxicAvenger@Jan 19 2006, 06:00 PM
A plastic bag full with air from the elstree studios?