Good costumes for the shorter and stockier?


Sr Member
So I see all you guys out there getting your Cap, Bats and Stark on, and I really envy you. Me, I'm only 5'6" and 190lbs (mostly muscle except for the beer gut - most would just call me stocky), so I have a harder time finding good choices for costuming.

I've done The Comedian and Big Daddy, but both of those were using some seriously chunky platform boots and I didn't even hit 6'.

I was an OK size for X-men's Beast, with a heeled work boot and a little bit of elevator insole (came out maybe 5'8" or 5'9")

What say you, not-tall-guys?
My buddy is 5'7 and about 175, he asked me to help him in the same general way. I think you could pull off bender or sexy teddy roosevelt!
My buddy is 5'7 and about 175, he asked me to help him in the same general way. I think you could pull off bender or sexy teddy roosevelt!

Ah! I did Bender many years ago, actually! I need to replace the eyes, but the head still fits and is one of the heads on my display shelf.

Wolverine I've never really thought of recently even though I did Beast - I couldn't figure out how to make Wolvie's claws retractable into my arms so I just sort of stopped thinking about it years ago.
Sorry man, you're too tall for Wolvie (5'3")! And only Puck with out the demon. But I know what you mean. I'm 5'3" so besides Wolverine, there ain't that many characters I could accurately do.
I am 5 foot 6 210lbs and i have done alot of hero costuming. Dont let your build limit you, given proper tailoring and a decent costume it can make anyone look good.







OK not to threadjack my own thread but hello Batgirl!

tetsuya - I applaud your confidence in the spandex, and you're right. I typically don't let my build stop me from doing costumes, but I feel like I'd never do, say, Batman any justice.
well what do you see about the way i pull off batman?

Looks fine to me - the cowl looks a little large (in the scale of the features, I mean; it fits your face fine) since you're shorter, but it doesn't detract a whole lot at all. Plus the grey suit probably makes you overall look bigger than a black one.

It's odd - I'd be self-conscious about my height and would have gone with a bigger heel on the boots and/or elevators for the costume, but in my everyday life I wear shoes with very thin soles and no heel at all, like Vans and Chucks and such.

Thanks for the short guy viewpoint, it helps a lot!
Ok, it might be weird and/or random, but I've always said the only thing I'd agree to do as a costume for myself would be Bethmoran, the goblin from Hellboy II.

I guess that sounds very unflattering, but the reason for wanting to do it is purely engineering in nature. I think any costume that disguises the human form is clever and I'd love taking on this challenge.

We'll see if I ever have time to pull something like this off! lol
All of 5-2 right here. I don't let my height deter me from doing what I wanna do. Halloween is about pretending to be someone else. I've been Rambo, Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Ryu from Street Fighter. This year I'm being both "The Dude" from the big lebowski and The Ultimate Warrior. As far as warrior goes (as well as rambo and ryu), I work out, so having muscles helps "complete" the look IMO. One of these days I'll get around to being Wolverine.
Ah! Actually, I think I came up with one for this Halloween - saving the more difficult stuff for the Cons I plan to hit next year...

Mega Man!

Thanks for the other suggestions, too, though; I'll file those away for the future =0)
Height really isn't really the issue to hold you back, the better the details of a costume the better the response. There was a very short guy who pulled off a hell of a Classic Superman at Comic-Con this year.