Glue question?


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of sets of storm trooper armor. I have a hybrid of velcro and snaps systems. Both systems work, But I wanted to just glue some straps right to the the thighs and shoulders once I measured them just to fit me. Is there a glue that will hold say a nylon stap to the armor with damaging or discoloring the armor? I was going to glue the srtap and armor on one end and rivet the other end of the strap.
One set is a TE armor which I believe is strylene. and the other set is a GF which I believe is ABS.
Honestly, with dissimilar materials like this, I'd be hesitant to recommend any type of glue, especially with parts that are under any tension. The best, permanent, solution is going to be a rivet. Just paint the visible part white, to match the armor.

But, If you're going to insist on using glue, then what you want to use is a 2 part, 5 minute epoxy. First, scuff up the armor where you're going to be gluing (the glue will need a clean, unpainted, roughed up surface in order to really bite). Mix up a decent sized batch (with this stuff, too much is better than too little), glop some on the armor side, press in the nylon strap and then glop some more on top of that. You only have 5 minutes to work, so be sure you've got the placement worked out before you start gluing. then, just leave it for 24 hours. After that, you should have a good strong bond.
