It depends. Are you wanting to scratch build it or work with kits? If you want to scratch build it, head over to gbfans and check out the plans they have. If you are wanting to do kits, I would PM Hotshot on here, My pack and wand began with his kit, and they turned out very nice IMO.
Once you get the pack done, the rest is pretty easy.
Got any photos of the pack and wand kit?
I've got an older pair of boots I used for mine, they are broken in, but not torn up. I think they are 10.5 or 11, I wouldn't mind passing them down to another ghosthead. Price is definately negotiable, they weren't expensive to start. Shoot me pm if interested.
Take note that Hotshot is banned from both Proptopia and GBFans.proptopia is my life, but i think registration is closed. is also a great resource. if youre on a time limit, i would start with the suit. its not hard to find all of the parts to put it together with and wouldnt take nearly as much $$ or time to complete, so you could at least have a uniform.
i love all my gb stuff to death. im on pack 4 and will have 6 other busters with me this year at dragoncon. if you need help i would be more than happy to get you the info you need, just shoot me a pm. and Hotshot has some top quality stuff on display here with explanations on how he made them.
Slightly smaller than what I need.. But the way I understand it they're just the older style paratrooper boots, no?
So I got the volleyball pads and I need to dye them. It seems like some people prefer to paint rather than dye them.
Can anyone recommend a color (more specific then grey) or brand or any other specifics to getting these screen accurate?
I've saw a cheap Ghostbusters costume at a Halloween shop last week that had an inflatable proton pack.
Then today I saw this one: Wishes Ghostbuster Sexy Adult Costume&ABTest=B :confused
The Wolf
thats messed up the sexy costume has a better pack: LMAO its undersezed but still:lol